The Foundation's devoted team of Trustees and volunteers plan events to raise money, but they also serve the vital function of generating community support for Marlboro's schools. From larger fundraisers like the Harlem Wizards, Restaurant and Wine Tastings, Mah Jong Evening, and Family Bingo events to simple efforts like the annual Warm Winter Wishes campaign --where families can donate any amount to honor district teachers, staff, and administration with a unique certificate of appreciation-- the Foundation has inspired local vendors, corporations, and individual donors to celebrate Marlboro's excellence in education.
MEF Trustee Board:
Jennifer Silacci, President/Chair
Allyson Marrone, Vice President/Vice Chair
Alicia Thor, Treasurer
Jaclyn Terebetski, Secretary
MEF Trustees:
Michael Baker
Angelo Del Giudice
Everything we do is powered by individuals who volunteer their time and energy toward fundraisers to support grants requested by Marlboro's teachers supporting Marlboro's schools. If you're an energetic go-getter that wants to get involved, please send us an e-mail with your information, and we'll invite you to our next meet and greet.