The Marlboro Educational Foundation raises funds exclusively via donations and fundraisers. Our Trustees and Volunteers accept no salary of any kind, and we keep our expenses as low as possible so that we can maximize grants benefiting Marlboro's students. Donations of any amount are welcome and are 100% tax deductible.

A gift to the Marlboro Educational Foundation makes a worthy tribute to anyone living or deceased. Upon receiving your donation, we will notify the honored individual or their family. Your donation is 100% tax deductible.

If you're lucky enough to have grandchildren attending our schools, we welcome you to the Marlboro Educational Foundation's Grandparent's Club. Wherever you live, it's a great gesture to let your grandchildren know you are supportive of their education. Grandparents have a profound influence on their grandchildren in many different ways, from the love and mentoring you give them to the ways in which you complete their sense of self and family. You can also make a difference in the lives of your grandchildren at school by making a gift to the Marlboro Educational Foundation (MEF).